Produkty dla suplementy wątroby (39)



Gli integratori alimentari in capsule offrono una soluzione pratica e comoda per chi cerca di migliorare la propria salute e benessere. Questi prodotti sono progettati per essere facilmente ingeriti, garantendo un rilascio controllato dei nutrienti essenziali nel corpo. Le capsule gastroprotette e filmate assicurano che gli ingredienti attivi siano protetti dall'ambiente acido dello stomaco, migliorando l'assorbimento e l'efficacia complessiva.
Tabletki Ziołowe Pokrzywa Plus - Kapsułki i tabletki

Tabletki Ziołowe Pokrzywa Plus - Kapsułki i tabletki

How important is water excretion for the body? Water accumulations in the body often cause strain on the connective tissue. Therefore, the excretory function of the kidneys should be stimulated from time to time. In particular the substances present in nettle, but also in the horsetail and in the leaves of the birch have traditionally been known to have a natural diuretic effect on the body. Vitamin C contributes to a normal collagen formation for the function of blood vessels and an active, healthy immune system. 1 tablet contains: 200 mg of nettle leaves powder, 100 mg horsetail herb powder, 100 mg birch leaf powder, 10 mg of vitamin C. Art. No.:1829
QLife Gestvon-12 - Suplement diety

QLife Gestvon-12 - Suplement diety

Ginger: contributes to the normal functioning of the stomach and provides digestive wellbeing. Magnesium: helps reduce tiredness and fatigue and contributes to electrolyte balance. Vitamin B6: contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism. Contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells. Fennel: supports the health of the digestive tract. Reference:21606


Phosphatidylcholine/Chardon-marie 1- Soutien de la fonction hépatique et biliaire 2- Détoxification de l’organisme 3- Protection antioxydante 4- Elimination urinaire ActivHépato® apporte un soutien global à la fonction hépatique sans la fatiguer, ni la solliciter excessivement et favorise son fonctionnement naturel grâce au pissenlit. Il se propose de donner au foie des éléments naturellement présents et des précurseurs impliqués dans des réactions hépatiques à travers des extraits de pissenlit, chardon-marie (silybine), schisandra, artichaut et romarin ainsi que du MSM, de l’hespéridine et des phospholipides (choline). ActivHépato® s’adresse à toute personne présentant une faiblesse ou sollicitation hépatique, une fatigue intense, une intoxication (médicament, tabac, alcool...), qui souhaite soutenir la détoxification de l’organisme, le confort gastro-intestinal, une digestion normale et une élimination rénale normales grâce au pissenlit.


ERGYDESMODIUM contient du desmodium qui favorise le fonctionnement hépatique. Des oligoéléments complètent cette formule riche en sélénium qui contribue à protéger les cellules contre le stress oxydatif. Quand est-il conseillé ? ERGYDESMODIUM est adapté pour favoriser le fonctionnement hépatique. L'expertise Nutergia Sans alcool, sans sucre ajouté, sans édulcorant, sans arôme artificiel. La mer, une concentration de minéraux et d’oligoéléments. L’eau de mer exposée aux rayons solaires donne un concentré d’eau de mer. Désodé puis associé à un extrait français de lithothamne (algue rouge) obtenu par un procédé exclusif au brevet déposé, et à des extraits de plantes et des oligoéléments spécifiques, il entre dans la composition de tous nos phytominéraux. Desmodium:600 mg* Sélénium:16 μg (30 % VNR**) Molybdène:7,5 μg (15 % VNR**)


Le compresse masticabili sono perfette per chi preferisce un'alternativa più gustosa e facile da assumere rispetto alle tradizionali pillole. Questi integratori sono progettati per essere masticati, rendendo l'assunzione dei nutrienti un'esperienza più piacevole. Disponibili in vari gusti, le compresse masticabili sono particolarmente apprezzate dai bambini e da chi ha difficoltà a deglutire.
Suplementy diety w proszku

Suplementy diety w proszku

Dietary supplements in powder form offer a flexible and customizable approach to enhancing your nutritional intake. Available in single sachets, twin sachets, stick packs, and jars, these powders cater to a variety of health needs and preferences. They are ideal for individuals who enjoy creating personalized blends or prefer to mix their supplements with food or beverages. Whether you are looking to support muscle recovery, improve digestion, or boost overall vitality, these powder supplements provide a versatile solution. The adaptability of dietary supplements in powder form makes them a favorite among fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals. They can be easily integrated into smoothies, shakes, or meals, allowing you to tailor your intake to your specific goals. With a commitment to quality and efficacy, these powders are formulated to deliver optimal results, ensuring that you receive the nutrients you need to thrive. By incorporating these supplements into your routine, you are taking a proactive step towards achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Tabletki Kwasu Foliowego i Jodu - Kapsułki i tabletki

Tabletki Kwasu Foliowego i Jodu - Kapsułki i tabletki

Folic acid and iodide are important for healthy physical and mental development. Amongst other things, folic acid contributes towards the growth of a mother's tissue during pregnancy and towards normal amino acid synthesis and haematopoiesis. Iodide supports a normal energy metabolism and the cognitive functions, i.e. all those processes in the brain which concern thinking, feeling, perception etc. Because Germany is a country low in folic acid and iodide, in particular those women wishing to have children, pregnant and breast-feeding women should supplement their nutrition with folic acid and iodide. Each tablet contains 0.4 mg (= 400 µg) folic acid and 0.2 mg (= 200 µg) iodine. Art. No.:1441


Lutéine/DHA 1 - Fonction visuelle 2 - Activité cérébrale 3 - Fonction cognitive LutéineO3® apporte une combinaison concentrée de caroténoïde (lutéine), d’acides gras oméga-3 (principalement DHA sous sa forme naturelle de triglycérides) et de zinc. La lutéine est un pigment caroténoïde présent dans la macula (zone de la rétine d’activité maximale de l’œil). LutéineO3® s'adresse aux personnes, notamment les seniors, souhaitant entretenir leurs fonctions visuelles et cérébrales.